XL Bully Type Dogs
Following the recent legislation announced by the government, we want to provide owners of XL Bully type dogs with some clear guidance on their legal responsibilities, and how we can help during this stressful time.

From 31st December 2023
- - Your dog must be on a lead and muzzled at all times in public areas.
- - It is compulsory to neuter dogs and have it certified by a vet.
- - Kept in a secure place, so they cannot escape.
- - You must be able to produce an exemption certificate, if asked by a dog warden or the police at the time, or within 5 days.
- - You must have 3rd party liability insurance.
- - Your dog must be microchipped.
- - You the owner must be over 16 years of age.
Prepare for the ban on XL Bully dogs – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
“I own an XL Bully, I want to certify them but they aren’t neutered. What do I need to do?”
- 1. Book an appointment with your vet for neutering. You will be asked for full payment when booking.
- 2. Visit the government website: Veterinary confirmation of neutering (publishing.service.gov.uk) and print off a copy of the neuter certification. Complete the owner section, and take this with you when you take your dog to your vet appointment.
- 3. In preparation for your appointment start muzzle training your pet. They will have to wear a muzzle when they come into the practice.
- 4. Once your dog has been neutered the vet will complete their part of the certification form you have provided.

Cost for Neutering and Neutering Certification
Neutering Cost
Neutering Certification Fee
Neutering Cost
*If certification is not requested at the time of surgery, the fee will be £38.50.
- If your XL Bully now complies with all the requirements, you are now able to apply for an exemption certificate via the government website. This is your legal responsibility, Animal Trust cannot do this for you.
The cost of the exemption certificate is £92.40
Apply for a certificate of exemption to keep an XL bully dog www.gov.uk
The cost of the neutering certificate is £38.50
Important Note!
If your pet was neutered at a different vet practice you will need visit them to ask them for an appointment to certify your dog.
If your dog is a rescue and you have no history of previous vet, you will need to book your dog in for a blood test to confirm they are neutered, even if there are no testicles present.

Cost for Sedation, Euthanasia and Certification
£50 (Private)
£95 (Private)
£7.85 (Private)
£185 (Private)
£337.85 (Private)