Abdominal Surgery
Abdominal surgery for pets can involve a variety of procedures
Abdominal surgery is recommended for a very large number of problems and diseases. Open abdominal surgery allows evaluation of the problem and facilitates performing the advised procedure. The organs in the abdomen and some common surgical procedures performed on each via abdominal surgery include (but are not limited to):
- Stomach: foreign body removal (gastrotomy), gastric biopsy, gastropexy (for gastric dilatation and volvulus/GDV), widening of the stomach outflow (pyloroplasty) due to hypertrophic gastropathy, hiatal hernia repair (herniorrhaphy), partial resection due to growths or perforations (partial gastrectomy).
- Small intestine: foreign body removal (enterotomy), partial resection of small intestine due to foreign bodies, tumours, disrupted blood supply or intussusception.
- Large intestine/colon: colonic resection due to tumours, intussusception or chronic dilation (megacolon).
- Liver: extrahepatic or intrahepatic portosystemic shunt ligation, liver biopsy, liver lobe resection (liver lobectomy) due to presence of a tumour or disruption of the blood supply.
- Gallbladder and biliary system: removal of the gallbladder (cholecystectomy) due to mucocoeles or stones, biliary diversion due to unresolvable common bile duct obstruction.
- Pancreas: partial removal of the pancreas (partial pancreatectomy) due to tumours (most commonly insulinoma), biopsy.
- Kidneys and ureters: ureter reimplantation and diversion if ectopic ureter or obstructed by stones, kidney removal (nephrectomy) due to tumours or chronic obstruction.
- Bladder: removal of stones (cystotomy) and tumours (partial cystectomy).
- Prostate: removal or partial removal of prostatic and paraprostatic cysts.
- Uterus (womb) and ovaries: removal of the uterus and ovaries (ovariohysterectomy or ovariectomy) for neutering, or due to development of a uterus infection (pyometra) or presence of an ovarian or uterine tumour.
- Spleen: removal of the spleen (splenectomy) due to presence of a tumour or disruption of the blood supply.
- Adrenal glands: removal of an adrenal gland due to presence of a tumour.
- Other: peritonitis (septic or sterile) for example due to gastrointestinal, biliary or urogenital rupture, repair of diaphragmatic ruptures, lymph node biopsy or removal, abdominally located testicle removal (cryptorchid), abdominal wall hernia repair.
How do I know what my pet needs and what are the risks involved?
Your surgeon will discuss the different options available to you and the risks of each approach to address your pet's problem. They will also guide you regarding any recommended investigations before proceeding with surgery for your pet. The prognosis and recovery following each procedure is dependent on the procedure involved and the reason for performing the surgery.
Where is the surgery performed?
Many of the procedures are performed by surgeons across the Animal Trust group, while other more advanced procedures are only performed at certain centres by surgeons with advanced training and experience in dealing with complex cases.
What are the costs involved and how can I arrange a consultation?
Depending on which procedure is being performed, procedural costs commonly vary from £719 to £2019 and include general pre-anaesthetic blood tests if required, surgery, up to 48 hours of hospitalisation if needed and short-term post-operative medications. A more detailed list of prices can be found on our pricing page. If you would like a consultation to discuss any of the above conditions or others related to abdominal surgery, please ask your veterinary surgeon to complete our online referral form and you will then be contacted by one of our team to arrange a consultation.