Cruciate surgery for senior Jack Russel Terrier Rocco

This is Rocco, a 14-year-old Jack Russel Terrier. Rocco's owner was concerned about a limp he had developed on his right back leg and booked him for a consult at Animal Trust Blackburn.
After examining and x-raying Rocco’s knee, the team confirmed a ligament in the knee had been damaged (the cranial cruciate ligament, or CCL for short). This condition can cause pain and instability in the knee, making it difficult to walk, it can also lead to arthritis when older.
After assessing all the factors, vet surgeon Luis recommended a surgery called cranial close wedge osteotomy as the best approach to get Rocco back to his active self. Just a few days after his surgery, Rocco was back on his paws and has been comfortable and pain-free since his surgery.
For more information on cruciate surgery see link.