Help With Complications
We’re here to support you and your pet, so you have peace of mind that your pet is receiving quality care and treatment. Our complications promise is there to give you peace of mind at what can be a worrying and uncertain time for your pet's health and the financial implications.

Our Promise to You
Occasional complications are a fact of surgical procedures, it doesn’t mean someone’s at fault, but it does mean further treatment may be needed. We understand that the costs of this can be a worry for clients at a time when everyone’s focus is on getting their pet better.
That’s why, if your pet has a complication shortly after their initial surgery, we will usually be able to support you with the cost of treating the complication.
Providing you’ve followed our advice post operatively. Our vets have the discretion to offer you corrective surgery, medication & tests to treat the complication, and only charge an additional £125. You must have paid your account in full by the time of discharge of the initial procedure to be eligible for help with complications, which applies to both insured and non-insured patients. This help with costs doesn’t include situations where the underlying condition has progressed, or if it is decided in the opinion of one of our vets that a different treatment plan is now appropriate.
We also can’t help with any costs incurred at another vet, and the help is only for treatment administered within 3 weeks of the initial surgery (extended to 8 weeks for orthopaedic surgery).
This help is entirely at Animal Trust’s discretion, and how we treat a complication is decided by our vets who act to get the best result for your pet. But it is there to help you keep your pet safe in the unfortunate event of a complication and avoid the additional worry of the costs associated with resolving complications, which can be significant.