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What is an Inguinal Hernia in Dogs

Inguinal hernias in dogs occur when the internal organs (intestines, bladder, and uterus) protrude through the inguinal ring (opening in the muscle wall in the groin area), abdominal wall and muscle layer. This protrusion can be seen as a bulge or swelling just below the skin. For most dogs, this can be easily seen or felt on either side or both sides of the groin area. Contents may be able to be pushed back into the opening by a vet.

Inguinal hernias can occur in both dogs and more rarely in cats. Inguinal hernias in puppies can also occur as congenital defects, meaning they were born with them. Factors which predispose a dog to develop an inguinal hernia include trauma (blunt force trauma, getting hit by a car, bite wounds), obesity, and pregnancy (due to increased abdominal pressure). Older, intact (not spayed) female dogs are more at risk for acquired (appear later in life) hernias due to anatomical and hormonal factors. Estrogen can weaken the tissue. Young male dogs are more at risk for congenital inguinal hernias.

There are two types of inguinal hernias in dogs:
Uncomplicated – either due to a smaller defect with little to no bulging of abdominal contents or bulging of just fat. These types of hernias usually cause no symptoms.
Complicated – contents of the abdominal cavity have passed through the opening and become entrapped.

Written by Dr. Mariella Roberts, Veterinary Surgeon, Animal Trust Vets CIC | Published February 2025 | Review date February 2027 | This advice is for UK pets only


Symptoms of inguinal hernia in dogs

Symptoms of an uncomplicated inguinal hernia in dogs may include: a soft swelling (non-painful) in the groin area, which may occur on one or both sides of the body. Symptoms of a complicated inguinal hernia in dogs may include: swelling in the groin area, which may become painful and warm to the touch – vomiting – frequent attempts to pass urine – bloody urine – not eating – depression – abdominal pain – retching or attempting to vomiting – straining to pass stool – painful to pass urine/stool – fever – lethargy – localized bruising

When to contact your vet

If your dog has a bulge in his/her groin, you should try and make an appointment soon with your vet or if he/she experiences pain or stops eating or vomiting or no passing stool or urine, you should contact your vet immediately.

Diagnosis of a dog inguinal hernia

Inguinal hernias can usually be diagnosed by finding the swelling caused by the hernia on a physical examination. Sometimes, contrast radiographs (X-rays) or an abdominal ultrasound are needed to determine which abdominal contents, if any, are entrapped.

Treatment of inguinal hernia in dogs

The only treatment available for inguinal hernias is surgery. In uncomplicated cases, your vet may schedule the surgery for the next available date. If the hernia is complicated, emergency surgery may be necessary. If not treated promptly, the tissues that are stuck in the hernia may die and release toxins into the body, which could be fatal. The surgery for an inguinal hernia involves manually pushing the contents of the hernia back through the muscle wall and then stitching the muscles back together to prevent future rupture. In some cases, a vet may also attach a piece of mesh to the muscle to strengthen it.

Prevention of inguinal hernia in dogs

While there is no real way to prevent inguinal hernias, spaying female dogs to prevent pregnancy will reduce the chances of a pregnancy-related hernia. Animals who have congenital inguinal hernias should not be bred as the condition may be inherited.


Congenital hernias may resolve on their own by the time a dog is 12 weeks of age. Otherwise, surgery is the best option. For the repair of an uncomplicated inguinal hernia, there is an excellent outlook for a full recovery. In the case of hernias where there has been entrapment, the prognosis is more carefully done and depends on the degree of organ damage suffered before surgery.

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